Originally Posted by redpoint5
How much are you paying for gas that it saves you $13.5/hr by driving slower? At 30mpg you are consuming 2gal/hr. That's roughly $8 of gas burned every hour in my neck of the woods. Now how are you saving nearly double that by going slower?
~$4+/gallon, same as everyone else in the states give or take ~$.25/gallon. Going with your example, lets say I'm paying $8/hr at whatever speed. I go faster and get to my destination 15 minutes sooner than I would have otherwise and also pay $3 more in gas money. So, if I go faster I pay an extra $3 to cut 15 minutes/.25 hours off of my trip. $3/.25hours=$12/hr more to drive faster. Obviously every example depends on the specifics, but the basic idea is that you get whatever mpg at whatever reasonable lower speed (~55mph to ~65mph), and when you drive faster than this you pay $X more in gas and reduce your travel time by Y hours, so you end up paying $X/Yhr=$Z/hr to drive faster.