I disregard what my time "costs" i.e. figuring I make $20/hr and it costs me $3/hr to go 55 vs 70 or some such. Combine that with me not allowing other traffic to dictate my speed, and I'm content to go 55 in a 55, 55 in a 70, or even 45 in a 65 if I'm pushing a vicious headwind. That helps fe and costs. I drive so infrequently and usually over such short distances that even if I'm "puttering" along at a pace that gives others aneurisms, I still spend but a fraction of the time motoring as the average joe, so it doesn't seem like a burden to me.
I only do mods that are free or nearly so- high tire psi, recycled coroplast mods, high state of tune, etc. but then again I tackle everything mechanical at home so lowering and whatnot I do too but at no/low cost.
It's about saving money AND the oil resource for me. So, I like E85 and displace as much regular gas as I possibly can with it.