If you drifted back down do you count it as a 10 mile trip or a 0 mile trip

If you are counting it as a 10 mile trip why could you not put 10 miles into the Whiz wheel and find the average for the whole trip? If you derived your distance from a map, you would have an accurate distance.
A GPS will continue to output speed when anchored. Due to how it calculates speed and the error every time it recalculates position, as well as when swinging on the rode.
I once averaged 3 knots while tied to a pier for a couple hours, some of that was stretching of the lines, most of it was position error.
A GPS coupled MPGuino would be very fine for tuning speed and knowing how much to increase speed to compensate for running against the current but with the equipment the OP already has a close approximation can be done from the speed of the boat through the water.
I would love to have a fuel totalizator coupled to a GPS in the plane it would let me know how much to increase airspeed to compensate for headwind. But a whiz wheel and fuel consumption information would do just as well.
Learn from the mistakes of others, that way when you mess up you can do so in new and interesting ways.
One mile of road will take you one mile, one mile of runway can take you around the world.