Tire inflation pressure
Obviously higher inflation pressure will reduce rolling resistance and increase MPGs, but how does pressure effect the longevity of the tire itself? On a car, increasing pressure tends to increase tread life. I have a theory that decreasing motorcycle tire pressure increases the contact patch, and therefore increases the area that wear is spread over.
What pressure technique is best for getting the most life out of a tire, considering the centers wear out before the edges? What is best for getting the most grip and fast cornering?
My rear tires only last between 3-4k miles, and if I could extend the change interval that could potentially save me some money and keep some petrol products out of the fills.
My ride: 2001 Honda CBR600 F4i
Mods: LED marker turn and brake lights. HID headlights
Last edited by redpoint5; 05-05-2011 at 05:12 PM..