My Dodge Ram's factory air dam doesn't go down far enough to prevent air from impacting the front suspension, or the other rough areas near the engine.
For aero mods to be cost effective they must be inexpensive. What I'm thinking about is getting a second factory air dam, inverting it, and attaching it below the existing one.
This should be fairly cheap, $50-$100. The extra 4" in depth should help aero, but shouldn't interfere with normal operation.
Since there is a nice flat surface around the bottom of the existing air dam attaching the second, bottom to bottom, should be easy. Maybe 7 bolts.
Also the flat upper mating surface, what will be the bottom on the new one, should make it easy to fill that area with a sheet of 1/4 ply. Will be about 16" back from the from edge.
Since I'm pretty new at this, and need to learn, please fire away. Tell me where I'm right, where I'm wrong, just plain nuts, and improvement ideas.