Originally Posted by Macherano
why you are trying to destroy it,
Hahahaha!! What!? And even if my parents don't like this stuff I'm not gonna quit. I'm gonna do SOMETHING to save gas, $60+ a week for gas is outrageous! If I don't mess up the paint and the mods I do are easily removable and beneficial, I'm going to do them, and when I have good solid evidence that what I did saved me money, I will show them the data.
Alrighty, I know I don't drive like some of the people on this website, but I DO practice good driving habits, accelerate slowly from stops, don't slam on the brakes, coast to red lights, etc... Trust me, with gas at $4.20+ per gallon, I'm tryin' hard to save gas.
Before my parents gave me this car, I was driving a 2000 oldsmobile minivan for about a year, never had any problems with it and I wasn't as experienced or careful a driver as I am now. Then I started driving the sebring, used progressively better driving habits and yet ... it gets oil leaks, brakes pad and rotors wear fast and unevenly, had to replace the alternator and a/c compressor, needed new catalytic converter (when my mom first got it about 3-4 years ago), tachometer had to be fixed, water pump had to be replaced, a water hose had to be replaced, and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember off the top of my head. I've put A LOT of money into this car (I go to school and I work part-time, so I don't have much money haha) so I make sure to not abuse it. And now something is up with the idle throttle control valve. Mechanic cleaned it, but check engine light still comes up sometimes. Stuff just LOOOOOVES to go wrong on this car.
My ultraguage says that my average mpg is 17 and that's all city driving, trying hard to raise it.
Thanks for the link! Really cool, informative site!