Originally Posted by Kodak
I punched some numbers for my personal mpg. If I go from 24 to 25mpg it would take about 14,400 miles (at an even $4/gal) to break even.
Question for someone with instrumentation: Are 2 gauges enough for moderate hypermiling? If I got one, I'd probably program MAP for DWL and instant MPG for ideal speeds and general cruising. Sound about right?
I just got my SGII a couple of months ago. I think you've gotta figure more than a 1mpg gain using an SG. It just makes you so much more aware of how you're driving with the real time feedback you get. The instant MPG and TPS are great. And being able to track your current trip, daily and tank MPG are useful for comparing the most efficient routes to take to/from work.
Since getting my SG, I've completely changed my daily drive to one that is slightly longer, but with some highway and less stop signs it is much more gas-friendly. Wouldn't have known without the SGII.
By the way, I went from very low 20's to 28-29MPG after installing and learning how to read the SG.
If you do decide to pull the trigger, I'd spend the extra $50 or so and get the original SGII...instead of this new one that is coming out soon. I don't think you really need that graph. And if you mount the SGII on your steering column you can toggle between screens pretty quickly and easily once you get the hang of it.
Bottom line: At least get one of them. It will easily pay for itself. But I think spending the extra $50-60 for the SGII is the better investment.
Good luck whatever way you decide to go!