Originally Posted by mateospeed
I've heard a ton about Mr. Hucho, and hadn't even considered finding his book at a library. I simply wrote it off as too expensive to purchase, and didn't think it further.
Again, I forgot to mention that the 8.5x8x24 trailer is pretty much necessary for interior space. I wish it wasn't so heavy, but I got it for a steal, so it's what I've got.
When you say 'major surgery', are you referring to add-on aero mods to the exterior of the truck, or transplanting engine/ transmissions into the truck. If you're talking about the powertrain, I'm going to agree. I've run a few examples, and it's WAY cheaper to trade. I'll never find an ideal vehicle, but it'll be cheaper overall.
Matt, thanks for the added context. We can't possibly help much if we're not on the same page. And we are about "major" surgery to the truck.
Are you currently using a ScanGauge (et al)? I know you said you tightened the nut behind the wheel. I did too but the ScanGauge showed room for improvement I missed prior. Keeping the transmission torque converter clutch locked, for example, makes a big difference in fuel economy; even though ATF temperature is my first priority when towing. Real time metrics to predict when overdrive was okay versus preemptively locking drive helped immensely. Quantifying the costs of cruise control versus gaming the hills was beneficial too. All good.
Originally Posted by mateospeed
Then, if I add a bed cap, I'll probably see no significant drag increase as far as the truck is concerned. However, I'll have decreased my frontal area on the trailer by 10 sq ft. (3x5 cap, but the airflow will get sucked back into the gap b/w truck and trailer). (snip)
Now, if I add a wing/ 3 wings to it, I could very effectively drop my frontal area of the trailer to very little, and the portion of the trailer that does see some air is mostly rounded. I'll take pictures the next time I go to the storage unit (which is soon, because I left my jack stands in there!).
Does anyone have any experience with gains made by adding a bed cap alone? And how much difference would a standard (cab) height cap vs. a slanted or extra-headroom cap make? Hmmmmm..
I smell a rookie mistake about terminology. Frontal area is a feature of end-on silhouette. Nothing added (fairings, etc) reduce it. Instead they reduce Cd. Drag area is the product of the two which can be decreased accordingly. Not trying to nit pick but this terminology it's pretty important to get clear and make sure you're having the same conversation and not risk talking past others.
I recently borrowed Hucho's compendium from my public library. They ordered it from a university. It took a couple weeks and reference desk staff had to use advanced search tools beyond patrons at kiosks. But it was worth the wait. Section 4.4.13 Car with Trailer will especially interest you regarding leading edge effects. Section 5.6.2 Road Tests has good work on cross winds. Several other sections offers piecemeal gems. I'm planning to buy a copy. It's that good.