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Old 05-11-2011, 03:23 PM   #71 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
In a crash they are deathtraps by any definition.
Using numbers from the post above, in 1960 there were 50 fatalities per billion miles driven. Assuming I might have driven 10,000 miles that year (if I'd had a license back then), that makes my odds of dying in auto crash about 1 in 2000, vs about 1 in 6500 today. Either way, hardly a deathtrap.

Now if we want to do some comparisions, there's plenty of information on the odds of dying from various causes. Here's one The Odds of Dying | LiveScience which gives the odds of dying from heart disease as 1 in 5, from cancer as 1 in 7, but from motor vehicle accidents as 1 in 100. So if you're really concerned about safety, the best course would seem to be to quit worrying about the car. Instead, toss the chips & dip, quit smoking, and get up off the couch and get some exercise :-)

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