Originally Posted by mora
You can input commands by typing them into a text field at lower right corner. First type the parameter you want to change, hit space and then type the value;
pc-time 20
This sets precharge time to 2 seconds. Should be easy. Parameters can be set temporary if you don't save the changes. Restarting the controller makes changes disappear then.
I haven't build 1k amp controller board yet so I have no idea how it behaves with RTD explorer. Maybe Paul can confirm if it works the same way like 500A version?
MORA, thank you for replaying.
Both 500 and 1KAmp board should be similar in principle of operation, the latest with some more features than the other.
I did try to change "throttle_min_raw_counts=xxxx" and "throttle_max_raw_counts=xxxx" by the example you presented but no changes were accepted.
How do I do the save the changes made to be permanently?
I including a picture of the assembled board