Was off Monday.I did a 12-hour day for me.
*the temporary wall is gone.
* the studs were recycled into the door rough opening.
*two recycled insulated-glass patio-doors are installed
* I created a central,vertically-hinged pony-wall/pet-door/screened panel insert which closes the space between the two patio doors.After two fairly strong thunderstorms,no wind-blown water inside,nothing's flown away.
*this evening after 'Ecomodder' I'll move the wind tunnel,bicycles,scooters,and motorcycles,opening up my single work 'bay.'
* tomorrow,I'll move the Viking trailer into the shop for the first time since before the 'wreck.'
* as time and 'calm' weather permits,I will do some road-testing,testing the rig 'dirty',to build a baseline without the gap-fillers for later comparison,when she's complete.
* I'll get a neighbor to check the lug-nuts!