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Old 05-14-2011, 08:39 PM   #510 (permalink)
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What a beautiful song!!! Very helpful post too!

I agree that the resolver is a much more rugged solution. High voltage is also better, yes! But brand new IGBTs can be expensive. Ebay has a bunch, but new they are expensive.

Oh, I just tested the mosfet based 3 phase controller yesterday and it worked! hurray! I thought it would but it was nice to see. I believe it can do around 40kW peak with an AC motor, and closer to 50kW peak with a PMSM motor, but that needs to be tested. I'll be re-doing the driver section to make it MUCH cheaper and overall better. ya! The voltage will only be 144v because of the mosfets.

The cost of it also just dropped by almost $100 because of Fran's suggestion about the DC-DC. Because of that, I really want to do a good IGBT version now! Janis is right! Higher voltage is better.
kits and boards

Last edited by MPaulHolmes; 05-14-2011 at 11:36 PM..
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