Mrs A's Skoda Octavia (think MkV VW Golf / Jetta Wagon / Estate with different badges and a lower price) had a 'bulb failed' warning light on the intruments. After mega fuss (and parking in a dark garage) I work out it is the tiny corner bulb on the left hand side. I get a replacement one and start the process of fitting it. The process according to the manual is
1) remove a nylon nut with your hand
2) pull out locking lever next to the light
3) easily remove headlight
At that point you can extract the bulb from the rear of the now easily accessible light unit, replace the bulb and reverse the above process to refit light unit to the car.
Simple. What could go wrong ?
This is how it went...
1) remove nylon nut
2) pull out locking lever.
3) realise locking lever won't move, put on padded gloves because it cuts your hands
4) nope that didn't work, try WD40 - I don't normally let this near my cars
5) nope, resort to trim removal tool which eventually starts to move lever...
6) ...well it starts but then the end of the lever starts to bend...
7) ...and it scratches the paint
8) ...and the s@dding headlight still won't move.
9) swear a lot
10) refit nylon nut
11) hammer lever back into place because it won't just push back in
12) open wallet at local garage to replace one bulb
13) and watch as expert trained mechanic also swearing a lot, but at least he is paid for it
14) except he is being paid by me.
To fit a bulb which is not a legal requirement and cost £0.50.
[I]So long and thanks for all the fish.[/I]