Originally Posted by Sambat
JustAndyC post a picture of how it looks once its stripped down of all the plastics if you can so I can see what I got to work with... I have a 2009 Kawasaki 250 Ninja and I believe the posted mpg is around 72 Ive obtained it at 55 -60 mph with slower acceleration and riding lying down over the gas tank, i ride 40 miles to school and 40 back on rural highway so i really want a PCX
Will do, as soon as I have some free time. Important time diversions seem to pop up limiting my fun-time with this project. Craig has shipped the shells (waiting on UPS). As soon as those come in I'll -make- time to take pictures. Hope to see some from you too! btw, I got the factory service manuals (common & model specific) for the pcx if you end up getting one.