Thanks guys. It looks like the current rates are around $.16/kwh and $1.15 per therm. So, maybe the bill isn't abnormally high.
I've been going a bit crazy lately reading up on solar power and all that good stuff. I'd love to do in floor radiant heat with solar water heating panels. I'm getting head of myself, but its good to know something about it when looking at houses.
I'd love to get a kill-a-watt, I just haven't done it yet. Its definitly on the list to get though. Anyone have a recommended place/website to buy from?
I also found what seems like a great product called the smart power strip. It supposidly powers the entire strip on or off based on turning one component of the strip on. So, you plug your tv into the control plug, and when the tv comes on then power can go to everything else. Otherwise, there isn't any juice going to them at all. Sounds like a great idea. I just wonder if that makes the tv/vcr loose the chanel programming? Kill-a-watt would see weather its worth it to plug in just that one appliance to retain the memory I guess.