i was recipient to a horn honking fist waving agitated moment from a knuckle dragger in a full size pickup towing a toybox trailer...
he was approaching me quickly in the same slow lane i was in on a 4 lane (2/2) interstate in rural Utah.
I was doing 55mph, and by the looks of how his presence was exponentially growing in my rearview mirror, he had to be travelling 80-85 mph or so. By the time my trucker friend noticed me in the lane in front of him, he had to make a decision to move into the fast lane.
Mr. Mouthbreather decided that since there was another vehicle in that lane going about 70 or so, he would accelerate and attempt to pull in front of the 70 mph guy so he could in effect pass both of us in one fell swoop.
He did not make it so he had to slam on his brakes and move behind the 70 mph guy. Awww.
When Mr Mouthbreather passed me, he honked his horn and made mad gestures my way since the misfortune of nearly ramming my bumper and causing his load to most likely shift in a forward fashion was, in his red bull drinking bloodshot eyes, surely my fault.
I thought to myself... yep, heres some rural local pissed off at me, this out of state *** slowpoke with california plates, gumming up the traffic flow of HIS normally clear interstate.
then i noticed the plates on the car... california. DOH!
my apologies to utah, colorado, wyoming, and montana, whose plates i surely thought i'd find on the back of that chevy silverado.
Last edited by zonker; 05-17-2011 at 10:54 PM..