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Old 05-18-2011, 09:34 PM   #13 (permalink)
Diesel Addict/No Cure
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Originally Posted by dcb View Post
I have to think that fuel used is a better indicator for gasoline/diesel vehicles (reflects *somewhat* the size of the vehicle and associated wear and tear on the roads).

But it is a growing question, I mean folks have gotten in serious doo-doo for using greasle and not paying road taxes on their fuel. As more vehicles plug into the wall (or otherwise improve efficiency) how do you fund the roads?
That's a good question. It would mean having to change the fundamentals of a lot of things. Roads would have to built better with better, more expensive materials; contractors will have to guarantee their work for years; monies allocated for road construction will have to go exactly to that. Those that are in charge will have to be held accountable with serious penalties for misappropriation of funds.

Sounds like we would have to do what Germany does on the Autobahn.
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