Hey guys, here comes the weekend and I plan to build my controller. So my question relates to the bus bars.
My original control board is made for all three outputs coming out the same end.
Is there a way to make all three bus bars come out the same way?
Space is at a premium under the hood, so if anyone can help that would be great.
I also have a question about the epoxy for the heat spreader, would soldering the thing to the board work?
I do have a heat gun, has anyone had any experience in this?
and finally, about the board for mounting the control board to the power stage. where can i get a board for this?, does the control board have to be mounted to something conductive?
The build instructions were a little vague.
and one more, the steel strip for the underneath of the heat spreader, where did that come from? steel only or copper, aluminum or what?
thanks for your continued assitance