TCD's thermodynamic loss is not negligible
[QUOTE=t vago;240003]There's a slight difference from the 500 C temperature rise (assuming a 9:1 C/R) from adiabatic compression alone, and a 3000+ C temperature rise from combusting a fuel/air mix. For the brief amount of time that the cylinder is under compression alone, I'd say that heat transfer is negligible. Same goes for the equally brief time that the cylinder undergoes expansion. Oh, you forgot that![QUOTE]
the 500 C temperature rise? much higher than 100 C coolant temp, high
enough for heat to escape to coolant. When heat comes back during
next expansion, heat source temp is only 100 C. So the loss always larger
than the gain and such loss must have been doubled due to TCD'S action.
The double loss will also be enlarged by all 50% of the cylinders! not only
one or two. Saying negligible isn't correct.
Further, modern strenthened engine would have higher C/R, like 10.5 or so,
then such thermodynamic loss could become larger.