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Old 05-23-2011, 02:33 PM   #29 (permalink)
EcoModding Apprentice
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the green machine :P - '97 Jeep Grand Cherokee ZJ
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Thee s10 - '00 Chevy S10
90 day: 24.27 mpg (US)

Freedom - '05 Kawasaki Ninja 250EX
90 day: 75.55 mpg (US)
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Originally Posted by extragoode View Post
I got out on the interstate for a couple minutes yesterday, doing 70 in a 65 I was running just a touch over 3Krpm. (3050-3100). Also, I've done some research on my transmission and I'm pretty sure the only replacement that would be better would be the 6-speed nissan introduced in 2004. It looks like it would be a bolt on replacement, but I have two problems. I'm guessing this would be extremely expensive in comparison to the others. Also, it only gives me an advantage of 5% new 6th gear over old 5th gear. That doesn't really seem like it's worth it to me. The worst thing I found out is that the standard diff for this truck in the 4x4 configuration is 4.38:1! I haven't even looked for replacement diffs, because I don't think there's any way I could rationalize it to my wife even if I could manage to convince myself. Obviously, I've never done this before, but doesn't it make sense that since I'm trying to get smaller ratios, the overall size of the gears would be smaller? So couldn't I get the gears from some taller diffs, pop covers off the diffs, and replace the gears in place without changing the whole axle? I know it seems a little lego land like, but why not? It'd be a lot cheaper, possibly even if I had to have a couple gears custom made, right?
the benifit to having a 6 speed over a 5 speed or a 4 is that it allows your engine to stay at a lower speed when shifting, for example my jeep has a 4 speed automatic and it stays in 3 for along time(usually over 1750 to almost 2k rpm at times) before it shifts by having a 5 speed it shifts inbetween the 3 and 4 gears so the engine can stay at a lower speed and maintain better power to wheels. on the other hand it also helps for going up hills where the tranny would downshift into a gear where you can only maintain 45mph in a 65 mph zone it allows you to maintain a higher speed by adding a gear inbetween though's 2 also allowing it to downshift sooner.
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