Originally Posted by dcb
one good test is worth more than a million opinions.
Ive been wanting to get my feet wet in this area to achieve my own results for a while now. The time in research alone is more than id like to admit. My goal right now is to find a descent output very, efficient version. Which I think might be dry cell. It does need to stay low in cost so it can pay for itself sooner. My thoughts also go to the fact that their are varying degrees of designs that range from low output, amp sippers and high output energy hogs. I think finding that happy medium to compliment engine size is the real trick. I can't believe there is a one size fits all or even a "this one for 4 and 6 cylinder. This one for V8s" type of scenario. The "amp draw vs. engine load from that draw vs. benefits from hydrogen output" have to be super fine tuned.