Originally Posted by Arragonis
I have no problems with DRLs, they seem much better than the alternative which is muppets in heavy rain or even at night operating in "stealth" mode.
Day Rime Running-lamps are not the same as automatic headlights, you can have one and not the other. I have found it much better to have automatic headlights than DRLs. Several cars that have DRLs reduce the power sent to the lights mostly for bulb life. My GrandPrix and a few other GM cars all you have to do is unplug a tiny box under the drivers side dashboard to disable DRL the automatic lights still function properly and if needed the lights can still be turned on manually.
Also I believe the reason that cars in the USA have DRLs is it is required in Canada so all models also sold there have it installed by default (atleast for GM).