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Old 05-25-2011, 11:19 PM   #289 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Melbourne. Australia
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I have been driving a v8 auto vehicle for the past few years that I have never got below 11.4 Liters/100 Kilometres. I apologise for not having that in MPG which I have not calculated yet. I also admit it is an awkward way to define milage relative to MPG but it has a readout in this on the console.
Recently it has dropped to 10.2 Litres/100 Kilometres. This is quite dramatic after trying for so long and not succeeding.
The method will not be welcome to many.
It came as a result of trying to assess the risk-compensatory effect of removing ones seatbelt.
I have worn a seatbelt since 1966 which is five years before they were compulsory here in Melbourne,Australia which suggests accurately I am a risk-averse person.
It was a dramatic enough drop for me to say this against all my conditioning.
I did not expect this effect. I was only trying to assess the truth of the idea that one drives less safely with a seatbelt and more safely without one primarily because of reports that this occurs with bicycle helmets also.
I would suggest to anyone trying this to hook the seatbelt under your own belt to give the appearance of wearing it if the police are particularly nasty about seatbelt wearing as they are here. What is most important is that YOU know you are not wearing the seatbelt and are driving with this conciousness.
I welcome any criticism or remarks about this and also refer anyone who is interested in the relative efficacy of seatbelts to read up on the work of English researcher Prof. John Adams.
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