Yes , it has the stock 307 Olds small block. It also has 3.73 gears which is pretty low but the .67 OD helps alot.
I often thought if I put 2.73's in with the OD and a 350 Olds rocket it would do better. Of course I would build the engine with MPG in mind. Tons of low end torque.
Talking about bricks, this car is defiantly a brick. The back window is almost straight down and causes alot of turbulence. When they used these in NASCAR they made an aero window back there that sloped down almost to the end of the trunklid. The Monte Carlo SS has much better Cd than the 442 because of the front airdam. I think it is somewhere around .375.
Thanks for the welcome!

I have been lurking for awhile.
Oh, I also have a 1974 Olds Omega with a W-30 455 with 3.73 gears, no OD. It runs 11's, 0-60 in 3 seconds and gets 12-14 MPG. I figure if I get OD it would probably get 17-18 MPG. Not bad for a race car!