i don't plan on going any faster than 55mph and just back and forth to work. (harley boys at work wont let me cruise with them to the mountains
) so hopefully i'm not taxiing this little thing too much. i do mech.mainteneance (one day i'll learn to spell that word) at a papermill so my weight varies between 194 and 204 on any given depending work load
. it is the exhaust pipe that caught the attention of everybody. and i understand about the spark plug but working some 12hr shifts have'nt had a chance to check it or fuel consumption but since i'll have 175miles since gear change it should give me a rather close average mpg when i check. i' am thinking of shopping yard sales to look for some old tach guns to rig up a tachometer for this thing does anybody have a reccomendation of maybe a aftermarket kit? gotta go midnight 7 to 7 shift, thanks