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Old 05-30-2011, 07:29 AM   #13 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Sovereign View Post
I'm guessing I'm not quite doing it right--my FE for the past few trips has been in the 23-ish range. Using pulse-and-glide as outlined for Priuses (get up to speed, get off gas so that Energy display shows NOTHING, then pulse again).
Let me suggest first map out your basic performance by charting mph vs MPG:
  • Find relatively, flat, no-stop route(s) ~10 miles long.
  • Warm-up car by driving for ~15-20 minutes.
  • Set car to a given cruise control set speed.
  • Enter ~10 mile segment and reset trip meter.
  • Avoid high wind days, night around midnight often works best.
  • Record a pair of ~10 mile, opposite direction runs and average.
  • Speeds: ~25, ~35, ~45, ~55, ~65, ~75 mph.
Consistency on speeds is more important than exact values. The chart will even everything out. This gives a baseline so you can tell if any particular change has an effect on the mileage and the most critical, HOW MUCH!

Here are two of my charts:

(First chart, just the raw data looking for 'knee in the curve.' Notice the 42 mph, Prius hybrid speed.)

(Second chart, added engine and drag model along with other Prius data.)

Once you have your basic performance chart, change one item at a time and repeat a benchmark to find out if it helps or hurts. This is not something that happens instantly but over a period of weeks and months. Accuracy is more important as you don't want to 'fool yourself' and adopt something that doesn't really work.

Now there is one speed you need to identify ... the maximum hybrid speed. This is the speed above which the engine always has to run. Below this speed, the car can alternate between engine and electric mode. You also need to map out the slowest cruise control speed.

A while back, I did some NHW11 and ZVW30 pulse and glide experiments to compare it versus the equivalent, constant speed:
  • Set cruise control speed to hybrid speed + 2 mph.
  • Shift into "N" for glide to minimum cruise control speed + 2-3 mph.
  • Shift into "D" and hit resume on cruise control.
  • Repeat for 5-10 miles and record trip meter at end.
  • Perform a second pass in opposite direction.
  • Using equivalent average speed, repeat route at cruise control set equivalent.
This protocol avoids any 'pedal' dance since it uses just the cruise control for the pulse and "N" for the glide. It is a way to measure the vehicle performance so you can compare it to the constant speed performance. If you still want to practice "pulse and glide," you'll have to find some mentors.

Now I notice you live in the Chicago area and if I remember correctly there is a Chicago Prius Group in the area. I don't know the details but you might see if you can visit one of their meetings and ask for help.

There is another meeting, GreenDriveExpo, in Madison WI, July 23-24 and they have a program that includes lectures and talks about hybrid vehicles and driving. I've been to one but I had booth duty and didn't get participate in the program. Plus, I had to drive 750 miles from Hunstville AL and that was a long, long day. Eric Powers organizes it and he is a good character to meet ... along with the usual suspects. <GRINS>

Bob Wilson
2019 Tesla Model 3 Std. Range Plus - 215 mi EV
2017 BMW i3-REx - 106 mi EV, 88 mi mid-grade
Retired engineer, Huntsville, AL

Last edited by bwilson4web; 05-30-2011 at 07:57 AM..
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