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Old 05-30-2011, 06:42 AM   #38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by skyking View Post
Thanks Bob. What I had in mind was starting with the high point of the template at a point somewhere above the AC unit. If it was scaled up right it should just pass over the back edge of the roof heading down at the 22 degree angle. In front of that it would be straight, connecting with the high point of the existing roof. The whole thing would be curved to fit the roof curvature left to right.
This fairing would take care of the too steep angle as the roof descends aft, cover up the AC, cover up the kitchen vent in back, the fridge, the TV antenna. I would make doors or slots as needed to keep all those functioning properly. I would put a large forward opening hatch over the AC that deploys with a spring and is retracted by a simple rope at the back of the rig. It would be smooth as a baby's derriere and shed water as well.
I can remake the pin box on the trailer and move it forward about 4". I cannot do a slider hitch.
Hidden under all that woodwork is a custom made 5th wheel air ride suspension system that is not adjustable that way.
I look forward to your rooftop solution. Compound curvature makes the puzzle fun. Your access vent ideas are intriguing too.

Now I understand your hitch constraint. I thought someone made cushions compatible with sliders but maybe not, or too expensive, or depressing to scrap a DIY accomplishment (I know). When you said pin box it clicked that you have an extender. I don't know how much cab clearance you need but that seems like another immutable requirement.

Rock on!
Recreation Engineer
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