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Old 05-31-2011, 03:32 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Dcd contains no lean-burn

Originally Posted by t vago View Post
Engine misfiring is never good. You may claim otherwise, but it's never a good thing to have completely unburnt fuel-air mix exit the combustion chamber. At best, you're just wasting fuel, and at worst, you're burning up your catalytic converter AND prematurely wearing out your piston rings due to fuel dilution of the engine oil clinging to the sides of the cylinder walls.

How do you propose to prevent engine misfiring with your gadget? You do realize that an AFR of 17:1 (1.15 lamda) is about the limit at which a perfectly stock ignition system will reliably fire off, without any modifications. Beyond that, and you're starting into cat damaging territory.

And how again do you propose to eliminate excessive NOx and unburnt hydrocarbon emissions with this DCD gadget?

Closest thing I can think of that matches your gadget's description is an hideously overcomplicated form of EFIE with wide band O2 feedback. If that's the case, I can do the same thing (which is to burn less fuel compared to stock) that your gadget does, with a few comparators and a WBO2 gauge controller.
"misfire", which is not the chemical ones you expected. The magic feafure of
DCD is, althrough it is working under high-lambda control, but this is the
overall result detected from exhaust pipe, and observed by WBO2 sensor, yet
inside the individual cylinders, the burnings are always kept at lambda = 1.00.
So the there will be totally NO LEAN-BURN happened inside the cylinders.
Your worrys seem just to waste brain power, or to over-use your knowledge.
By applying high-lambda closed loop without adapting DCD? You will obtain
a tranditional lean-brun engine that has caused all of your headaches for
decades, and less useful these days. DCD NEVER needs your unreasonable
worryies because DCD is never related to LEAN-BURN mechanism!

We can feel that Mr. TCD is now changed into Mr. TLB, taking benefit of
Tranditional Lean-Brun(TLB) skill happened long ago, nothing new and worthy
to try. Could you offer us something newer?

Last edited by Heihetech; 05-31-2011 at 03:49 AM..
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