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Old 05-31-2011, 02:16 PM   #376 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by JunkBonds View Post
The government is more at fault for high gas prices than any oil company.
I just KNEW we'd get back to the politics :-)

Now about those coffee prices? You know, there is a common thread here. I COULD go to the local Starbucks or whatever (if we overlook the fact that for me 'local' is close to 10 miles) and pay $3 or whatever a cup, and 4 cups per day would cost me the same as that 2 lb can that makes me 4 cups/day for a month or two. And I COULD buy a gas-guzzler, so each mile I drive would cost at least 4X what it does now.

But I don't, and thereby save a lot of aggravation :-)

Last edited by jamesqf; 05-31-2011 at 11:38 PM..
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