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Old 05-31-2011, 03:54 PM   #59 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
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I usually get honked at taking off from a light, which I find silly because usually by the time I am at the speed limit I am right up with them, I just did it a bit slower.

Havent got the figure yet but wanted to add two things.

One - In most states, it is the law that someone coming off a ramp into traffic is responsible to adjusting their speed. People seem to forget this. A driver on the freeway is not supposed to have to change lanes or slow/speed up.

Two - In most states it is also illegal to drive below the speed limit. Doing 50 in a 55 min zone is at least Impeading Traffic, it could be considered reckless driving. Its always best to stay within the law.
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