Thread: crazy comments
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Old 06-01-2011, 12:54 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Talking crazy comments

You look in the ads and it says: ran when parked! Of course they never say what year that might have been!!
2011 car gets 35mpg!! Whoop de doo!
Put your shoes on before you mow the lawn: Don't come running to me after you cut off your foot!!

Anybody know the orgin of:
he burned a brand new one!

lets break the ice!

what's your handle?

why do the people on opposite USA coasts emphasize the opposite end of the last word here: Have a nice weekend!

Why in the east it's a campertop; in the west its a canopy... somewhere in the middle it's a truck cap?

The towns Lancaster in CA, and the one back east pronounced very different!

Then there are the local things we blow as little kids: We're going to San Hosie, CA.

or... Chev-ro-lett.

The worst national one I hear the most is Illi-noise! leaving the last s in.

I'm happy because of nearby U of Oregon's good football run toward the national title, most people now can say Or-a-gun instead of Or-ee-gone!

How about the most butchered car names...... its Poor-shaw, not Poorsssssh

I had fun early on with Mit-shaw-bee-shee let alone trying to spell it today.

How many really say Feb-brew-airy instead of Feb-U-airy???

How about the Lambo Coon-tash?

How about Citroen?

24hrs. of La-Mans instead of La- Moans? I don't think so!

Maize-er-ahhtiee instead of May-sir-ahhtiee...the 1st wins!

Well... Bli-mee ! What DOES that really mean?????

Lets have some fun here!! I recently learned how to make paragraphs here, so I'm lol at myself too!!!!

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