Originally Posted by cbergeron
It should be noted that by having small/thin tires on the back of the car, the steering is very "boatish". By boatish I mean she has a boat-tail effect to her, so at high speeds she's very unstable. It's like pushing a shopping cart in reverse.
I can't drive her beyond 55 mph in this configuration. Since she's my commuter car and I work close to home I don't ever need to drive her any faster, so it works out quite well.
Yikes! I'd imagine you could have alot of oversteer with those back tires! I have 155/85R13 snowtires for my neon and even those result in boatish handling although balanced with 4 on. If you are going to run significantly skinnier tires on the back you should do a couple of parking lot tests for steady state cornering and then some hard braking while turning hard, just to see if you have understeer or (hopefully not) wild snap oversteer. I'd bet with skinny 13's your car now has balanced handling and not hopeless understeer like most cars but you should check.
I'd imagine an Aspire could be rolled if its suddenly sideways at 55mph. Mpg tends to drop when sliding on the roof....
Not trying to scare you but you should atleast practice abit with an extreme tire setup so its not a surprise in your first accident avoidence maneuver.
Play safe!