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Old 06-04-2011, 03:51 PM   #129 (permalink)
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gap-filler mechanism schematic next week

The good news: Al is swamped with work here at Copy Pro,and it will be a profitable summer for him.
So it will be next week before I can post the schematics for the gap-filler mechanism(s).
My workmate has a 3-week European music gig with the Blues Brothers Band coming up in 3-weeks so I'll have three straight weeks to do fabrication on the rig.I'll just stay home and weld and slam fiberglass.
Also,I scoped out a high-rise fire escape on the old opera house building in Denton this A.M. and I think I can use it as a photographic platform for some plan view shots of the rig.I can't get directly above the thing,but everyone should be able to get a sense of that curvature from the T-100 onto the trailer when viewed from above.One of the members asked about this kind of photo.Hope it's okay.
I continue to data mine my library for ancillary info.If I owned a Nissan Leaf,I know exactly what I'd do to it.
PS I'll get the tuft study photos asap and post them as well.I just need some 'calm' weather.
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