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Old 06-04-2011, 04:53 PM   #25 (permalink)
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daily driver

Originally Posted by Execut1ve View Post
I'm not opposed to something radical like a boat tail or kammback, but I'd like to start off small. remember I only drive the car on the long trips, it's the wife's daily driver. I have to keep her somewhat happy with what's going on.
My CRX boat tail was fabricated on the car and could slip on and off like a glove.It had its own lights,an electrical umbilical which plugged in like a trailer,and all I had to do was move the license plate when I used it.
There are some really nice receiver-hitches out there now.You might fabricate a short tail based on a light cargo platform which slides in the hitch only for roadtrips.

Inflatable boat tails are also an option.They're the lightest of all.A simple cardboard and tape pattern can be fashioned on the car which is used to tailor the envelope fabric.The envelope is attached to a shallow box which contains the 12-VDC fan which inflates the tail,powered by a cord leading up to the battery.It's a quick and dirty way to pick up 4-mpg with just a 'shorty.'
An alcove is tailored and sewn to allow the license plate to be displayed.
If you're rear-ended,the folks crash into an airbag!
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