Originally Posted by aerohead
The good news: Al is swamped with work here at Copy Pro,and it will be a profitable summer for him.
So it will be next week before I can post the schematics for the gap-filler mechanism(s).
My workmate has a 3-week European music gig with the Blues Brothers Band coming up in 3-weeks so I'll have three straight weeks to do fabrication on the rig.I'll just stay home and weld and slam fiberglass.
Also,I scoped out a high-rise fire escape on the old opera house building in Denton this A.M. and I think I can use it as a photographic platform for some plan view shots of the rig.I can't get directly above the thing,but everyone should be able to get a sense of that curvature from the T-100 onto the trailer when viewed from above.One of the members asked about this kind of photo.Hope it's okay.
I continue to data mine my library for ancillary info.If I owned a Nissan Leaf,I know exactly what I'd do to it.
PS I'll get the tuft study photos asap and post them as well.I just need some 'calm' weather.
Phil, your fire escape perch for overhead pix got me thinking so I'll have to watch for similar photo ops. Perhaps the far side of the vehicle could be jacked so the roof is more normal to the camera. A high overpass and helper (one drive, one shoot) also springs to mind.