I would recomend the size and shape that Allan Smith used on his Kawasaki Ninja 250. My behinde the rider cargo box is longer than it needs to be at 36" long. mine is also to wide at the front at 18". the other recomendation I have is make the sides curved. my calculations suggest a length of 24" and a width of 14" to 16" at the front. I have found a way to do mine in Aluminium with curved sides, but what ever works for you. My results are also slow in comeing but I suspect that after correcting my mistakes I will get better and better. I have made slow but stady progress, just not as fast as I would like.

What I am finding is that the only way to make progress is to make mistakes and then find better ways after the trial & error. I think in terms of how many years/trials did it take to get the modern super bike? It would seem that even with the best of everything, it take time and effort to make progress.