I have two stop signs in my neighborhood that I treat as yield signs. There's excellent line of sight and I slow down enough to make sure I could stop if a bicyclist was blowing through the intersection I could stop short. Otherwise, in my city travels I stop, look, creep forward, look again, and then go. Way too many pedestrians get hit in our downtown to even carefully role a stop sign. In the last 10 years we've had 4 of 51 employees hit by cars, with two of those spending the night or more in the hospital.
Regarding US traffic laws, it's silly how many intersections could be converted to a yield sign. Probably on the order of 80% of them from what I've seen. Worse yet, the city of Golden put in roundabouts several years ago to reduce the severity of accidents and improve traffic flow. While it has worked on both accounts, now accidents are on the rise. Why, you may ask? Because they covered the entry medians and roundabouts with shrubbery and trees that are finally maturing so you have no sight lines. The city says the shrubbery makes people drive slower, but all it really does is gives you a choice; stop or collide. They've destroyed a perfectly functional solution with 5' of dense shrubs.