Perhaps you are ready for two cars:
- existing toy car - enjoy but only drive it for fun.
- assorted fuel efficient, earn a living car - so you can make the bucks for the fun car
In the fuel efficient mode, you could go with a really old, 1970s or earlier, simple car, bought for peanuts. Plan to replace the tires and possibly a drop-in engine. At about $5-7k, you're on the road and only throw in enough to keep the beater rolling. But the engine and drive train technology would be familiar and you'd be on the road, earning, with the toy car as backup.
Another approach would be to look at early 2000 hybrids. The options are limited: Prius, Insight or Civic. If you want more traditional, go with the Hondas. The advantage is there are is a lot of historical tweaking data. On the Hondas, go for a manual transmission ... you'll be a lot happier.
There are other options but they require . . . different skills. No need to tackle 'a bridge too far.'
Bob Wilson