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Old 06-10-2011, 08:40 PM   #6 (permalink)
Underground Man
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Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
If the push is too hard or off-center, you could be in serious trouble.
It would be hard to push someone off-center on a well designed pad on their bumper. The reason for using the pad is because you don't want to damage either vehicle. Accepting a little push does not mean people can slam into your side or cause damage or anything. If they push you into a collision then they are going to be at fault.

Originally Posted by euromodder View Post
If the front car has to brake, it'll have to brake for both cars, one of them with a driver still on the gas.
Good luck trying to stop in due time.
I think this would be mostly used for highway driving, where braking is quite rare. It would probably be necessary to modify your brake lights anyways since if someone pushing you they might not be able to see them.

Originally Posted by nemo View Post
And how about a device for the front of the car so you could attach to that empty semi that is passing wasting al that fuel?
Nobody cares about people driving slow behind them. The whole idea here is to exploit people who get angry when they are forced to slow down. Although it would be interesting to attach yourself to someone else on the highway and get towed for free, I don't think they would respond very kindly to it.
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