Originally Posted by ianbartie
Wierd thing was that the display was showing the controller temp OK but neither the bat amps or the motor amps were showing anything except 0.
Ahh, not so weird. This means the serial message gets through when the motor is not pulling amps. When you are pulling amps, the message gets corrupted and the LCD code discards the bad message and never updates.
How do I know this? It happened to me!
My controller sits on a platform made from 12mm thk plastic cutting board. The case was therefore not grounded. Serial message was fine when I wasn't pulling amps, but when I pushed on the throttle even the slightest, it turned to garbage data. I grounded the case and everything was fine. Your situation might be different, but it does point to serial stream getting corrupted somehow when motor pulls amps. Something connected differently since you had the controller apart and back together? I'd somehow rig laptop w/hyperterminal to interface to same cable that was going to TB2. That way it follows same path (induced noise and all). See what the hyperterminal data looks like when throttle is pressed.