Originally Posted by BamZipPow
Looks good.
What are yer goals with yer aero cap? Windows? Hatch? Access doors? What kind of material are you looking to use?
How are you gonna secure it to the bed?
Goals: aerodynamic.
Windows: no.
Hatch: no/yes.
Doors: no.
Secure: C-clamp to bedrails similar to traditional methods.
I want to build a cheap version with small round steel tubing for ribs and a coroplast skin.
Before I move on, I want to get some data:
1. does it help?
2. does it look like crap?
3. can I deal with it?
I like working with steel, and for me it's easier to make adjustments with steel where I'd have to re-cut with wood. I've seen foam, wood, PVC pipe all on here with varying levels of success. The coroplast will not be perfect because of the complex curves, but it will give me an idea of what it will look like and how it will perform.
About a hatch: I love Bondo's aerolid. I think it perfectly compliments the angles of the the F150 and looks spendid. It doesn't have to be squared off for a hatch though. It would be easier, but the hatch can really be any shape. If this all goes well and I move on to a fiberglass version, I'll try to incorporate a hatch.
About windows: I was a truck driver for +15yrs in my past, and (I assume) from that I really don't use anything but my side mirrors. My diesel programmer actually has a 3x5 color touch screen, but I haven't hooked up a back-up monitor yet; but I plan on it.
I want to make it light enough so that if I want to use the bed I can just lift it off. If I like the whole idea and it makes a difference, then version 2 will be made fiberglass. I suck at fiberglass, but maybe I can do better this time.
My real test comes from the fact that I'm a metropolitan commuter in a very hilly part of town (50' to 1,000' elevation changes) and my average speed is around 25mph. I would think my speed was much higher, but I've been tracking my hrs/miles per tank and battling Portland traffic is unavoidable. With such a slow average speed, I don't know how much it's really going to help me out. If this truck goes on the highway, it either has 2-3 motorcycles in the back or a 24' RV trailer.
I started again tonight after watching some training videos and I still need more training. I'm getting stuck. But at least I found a model of the correct year and configuration of my truck. It's even the right color. Maybe when I get good I'll convert it from a Chevrolet to a GMC.