If I understand your idea correctly, you are thinking of adding a small airfoil shape to the top of the roof of the car to direct the flow in the correct direction ?
We have discussed something similar here :
If there is concern that you have flow separation at the top of the windshield, you could always just round off the edges. It doesn't take much of a rounded edge to keep flow attached.
You could then tuft test to see if there is indeed a problem still.
I remember reading a comment from one of the guys that worked on the EV-1 aerodynamics. He stated in a magazine article published in HotRod Magazine
( i think this is it here :
Bonneville National Motorsport Event - Hot Rod )
He stated that one of the aero myths out there is that you need a steeply sloped windshield to get good aero. I think 45* degrees was quoted as the angle at which airflow becomes affected.