Originally Posted by Frank Lee
I'm trying to remember the last time I had to accelerate out of a potentially bad situation, especially one going downhill. Ummm.... nope, none in the last 30 years anyway.
When riding my motorcycle, more throttle was a very common technique of getting out of dangerous situations.
It works far better with a MC than with a car.
Originally Posted by PopMech
Leaving the car in gear while coasting downhill actually is more efficient. Why? Blah, blah, blah DFCO ...the engine consumes no fuel at all while the vehicle is coasting downhill.
All depends on the gradient.
If it's that steep that you need to use engine braking to prevent a runaway, DFCO is fine.
If it's not so steep, it may well be enough to coast downhill using no gas at all (EoffC) or very little (EonC) without developing into a runaway - aero drag will control your speed. Well, maybe not for basjoos