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Old 06-15-2011, 10:39 AM   #10 (permalink)
MPG Militia HMV-25E80+A
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FrankenJetta D - '90 Volkswagen Jetta GL
Boat tails and more mods
90 day: 64.35 mpg (US)
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Totally agree with JRMichler. I had to put my cut off switch inline with the main injector ground and found a fuse for the fuel pump. Firing two relays from one switch, I cut both signals at once. Fires up instantly on bump or key start.

Back in the early 80s, my cousin's favorite game was taking his Chevy Impala up to 75mph, turning off the ignition in gear, putting his foot on the floor to flood the exhaust with unburned fuel as he coasted down to about 50, and turn on the ignition making a nice, loud explosion out his tail pipe. No catalytic converter needed. And yes, it did eventually blow the exhaust off the car. No injuries. Your mileage may vary.

It is always very amusing how our imagination is put to the test when overcoming reality. Redyaris
Boat tail project
How to gently bump start during EOC
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