The largest negative impact that wind power has is that people don't think it's pretty, sure some do but the people who don't like it the most don't want to look at it, the negative impact that it causes like killing a bird per year on average is a weak point to argue because there are so many other things that we do that have a lager impact, same with the impact of building wind turbines! sure they have steel and copper and concrete, but so does every other form of electrical generation and to a point so does your house, but well built wind turbines should last 100 years and they are the cheapest form of new power plants that we can build, the trouble is finding good land to put them on that people don't have hissy fits about how many birds they are going to kill and how they are going to lower their property vaules, I've lived with wind turbines all my life and the first thing people say when they first see one is "I thought it would be louder" why would you think it would be louder???
So we should not be wasteful with our electricity just because we can get it from the wind but if you don't like wind turbines then stop using electricity!
And yes, the bit I said about batteries is a bit off topic but having talked to the battery companies and to the companies that recycle them I feel pretty good about using them, again I'm not saying we should be wasteful and use more then we need because that is just stupid, but I feel better about having lead acid batteries then using gasoline in my 50mpg car.