Originally Posted by Floordford
...But then I thought that there must be an ideal hot temperature for engine efficiency before it looses too much power or causes problems.
What kinds of HAI temps are beneficial?
Hi Floordford,
I like the question, I hope someone with actual experience can help.
My understanding is that the point of HAI is to improve vaporization of the fuel. Mostly gasoline boils at about 180 F maybe that is a good target. Gasoline ignites at about 500 F, so it shouldn't be that hot until the spark plug fires. At WOT and assuming 10:1 CR the temperature increase in the cylinder (due to the pressure rise on compression) will be about 1.8 times, so 500 F (960 R) where preignition would occur, only allows the intake fuel temp. to be about 75 F - so crap, I don't see how engines run even with no HAI.