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Old 06-16-2011, 04:20 PM   #7 (permalink)
Master EcoModder
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In general the extra octane of premium does nothing for a engine not designed to use it, high performance sports cars, turbo or superchaged cars. I haven't tried premium in my cars so I can't from my own experience say that it doesn't work.

I used to use 89-E10 only, but lately 87 regular 0 ethanol, 87 octance get my Stratus the best MPG by about 1-2, depends on price which is actually cheaper per mile. A mix of E85 and E10 getting 4-5 mpg less than E0 was cheaper, but E85's price is up, gas down so I suspect 87 ocatane 0% ethanol might be cheapest now.

Hardly any difference with the Malibu between 87-E0 or 89-E10 so you have to find out for yourself with your truck.

I'd go SGII, take a few tanks to get it calibrated, change your driving habits, try to not use the brakes, then inflate your tires somewhere between door sticker and sidewall max and see how that goes. Next grille block or air dam. If your tires are nearing the end of their life start looking at LRR tires.
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