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Old 06-17-2011, 08:14 AM   #10 (permalink)
needs more cowbell
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pimp mobile - '81 suzuki gs 250 t
90 day: 96.29 mpg (US)

schnitzel - '01 Volkswagen Golf TDI
90 day: 53.56 mpg (US)
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because they are still not efficient under most of their rpm range and get worse away from torque peak, and they still burn oil.
2 strokes, while they have good power to weight, have poor power to fuel (bsfc), compare carb to carb, compression to compression. And the extra fuel per horsepower equates to extra pollution.
from Using BSFC #'s
                     Engine                  @ 1,000   @ Peak    @ Peak
                      Type                   RPM       Torque    Hp      
4-stroke (low compression, carburetor)       0.62      0.47      0.52
4-stroke (high compression, carburetor)      0.60      0.42      0.47
4-stroke (high compression, closed loop)     0.52      0.35      0.42
4-stroke (supercharged, carburetor)          0.75      0.50      0.55
4-stroke (turbocharged, closed loop)         0.57      0.45      0.50
2-stroke (low compression, carburetor)       0.85      0.55      0.60
2-stroke (high compression, carburetor)      0.80      0.50      0.55
Diesel 4-stroke                              0.35      0.25      0.30
Diesel 2-stroke                              0.40      0.29      0.34

Last edited by dcb; 06-17-2011 at 08:24 AM..
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