Originally Posted by dcb
It is painfully obvious you don't know how it works.
You either poll, or you use an interrupt. Since both interrupt inputs are dedicated on the single injector signal, it must be checked by polling. Whether the polling takes place at a specific point in code, is triggered by an event scheduler, or is triggered by a hardware timer-based interrupt is irrelevant. It's still time-limited and subject to the situation I believe we're seeing here.
Perhaps you could make some
useful contribution to this thread by explaining
why I'm wrong, rather than slinging defensive, derogatory comments.
Originally Posted by dcb
Better, but it still requires buying a ~$40 sensor, fabricating brackets and a pulse wheel and attaching it all to the vehicle. I would like to see the present approach succeed, as most (if not all) ABS-equipped vehicles use this setup to measure wheel speed.