Greetings: This is my first post and I have noticed a bit of skeptism about the 200 mpg carburetor. I recently watched a movie called GasHole (2010) and I am a believer now. There has been many people saying that 200 mpg is impossible. BUT when Shell Oil does the experimenting and the writing of a book about it then I sit up and listen. Here is the link to the'll have to be the judge yourselves of just how far one gallon of gas will actually take you.....
Seems to be alot of truth to this documentary.
Enjoy the documentary....
Watch GasHole (2010) Online | GasHole (2010) FilmIkZ | Online movies | Free Movies | Watch movies
I believe anything is possible if you can believe it. Don't believe all the nay sayers since they will always be disagreeing with everything.